By: Gary Parkinson on October 18, 2013

In Ottawa this week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper kicked off a new session of Parliament with a speech from the throne by Governor General David Johnston.  The speech was considered by many an unofficial kickoff to the 2015 election, though the government insists the speech is a roadmap of legislative policies for the next two years.

By: Stephanie Cooper on October 16, 2013

Whether it has happened to you or a friend or you have slowed down and caught a glimpse on the freeway, accidents on the road frequently happen. While accidents are first and foremost a tragedy, in their own way they incentivize you to reevaluate your knowledge of the road and the insurance policies of the province.

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By: Gary Parkinson on October 11, 2013

Spying – the word itself invokes thoughts of secret observations and betrayals.  In Canada the word has long held little meaning in the minds of most ordinary citizens as the country was founded and remains powered by democratic freedoms for people which include the right to privacy.

By: Thomas Sigsworth on October 3, 2013

Buying a new property is exciting and wonderful until you start to think about how much hassle it will be to move. Not only is moving a major pain in the derrière – it can also be downright expensive!