By: Gary Parkinson on March 13, 2015

March is Fraud Prevention Month across Canada. Fraud Prevention is an awareness campaign designed to inform Canadians about the very real dangers of identity theft. When criminals steal elements of your identity, they may also acquire your social insurance number, access to other personal files, and even your credit card accounts.


By: Thomas Sigsworth on March 12, 2015

Chances are, either you or someone you know has been a victim of credit card fraud. It’s a crime that touches hundreds of thousands of Canadians annually.
We canvassed the staff about their credit card fraud experiences and discovered that nearly half of us have been on the receiving end of credit card fraud or had someone in our family who has. The finding makes sense given just how much credit card fraud is reported in Canada each year.


By: Lindsey Boycott on March 11, 2015

Have you heard all those stories about people becoming victims of fraud? Maybe you’ve seen them on television and read about them in the newspaper and now you’re concerned that you’ve missed the chance to be defrauded yourself. Don’t worry, you want what they don’t have and I’m here to tell you how to get it.

By: Tahnya Kristina on March 10, 2015

As families all across the country take their kids and travel to warmer climates for March Break, money may be the last thing on their mind. You're probably focused on planning your trip, packing your bags and thinking about all the fun things you're going to do with your family over the next week. Money may not be in your thoughts, but it should be.

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By: Nelson Smith on March 9, 2015

Over the last decade, owning property in Canada has been a pretty good move.

But as prices have surged, so has the feeling from certain groups that Canada’s housing market is in a bubble, especially in larger centers like Toronto, Montreal, and Calgary. In these markets, it might even make sense to a prospective homeowner to rent going forward, especially if the market starts to decline.

By: Gary Parkinson on March 6, 2015

If you were paying attention to the trends on social media this week, you probably noticed a series of discussions about Women’s Money Week (WMW). WMW encourages women to learn more about money, speak out about opportunities to make the most of their money, and position themselves for financial success.

By: Cliff Ritter on March 5, 2015

When my wife and I learned we were going to become parents, we thought we were prepared for everything, beginning with parental leave. As we get ready to do it all over again, I figured that I could get some advice and turned to someone I knew I could trust – my own mother.

By: Gary Parkinson on March 4, 2015

If you are part of a couple with plans to start a family, chances are that you’ve begun to ask a series of potentially life-changing questions. Are you emotionally ready for a baby? How about financially? What kinds of plans, financial or otherwise, are required before the baby is born? And perhaps the most pressing, who will take time off to raise the baby?
