By: Robb Engen on February 12, 2016

change your car insurance coverageWhile all motorists are required by law to have car insurance, I find that most people can’t be bothered to shop around to make sure they’re getting the right coverage at the best price. If you’re anything like me, you probably haven’t even bothered to change insurance companies since you first started driving.

By: Martin Dasko on February 11, 2016

save money datingAn older friend once joked around about how if you want your pockets to jingle, you should stay single. However, once you fall in love it’s difficult to say no to that relationship. While being in a relationship can be costly, the trick is to not go broke just because you’re with someone now.

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By: Tahnya Kristina on February 3, 2016

save money on foodFood is one thing we all have in common. Everyone needs nourishment to live. By that standard, we should spend money to keep our bellies full and forget about the costs. However, savvy shoppers know that good food doesn't always have to come with a high price tag.
