What you need to know about making a car insurance claim By: Tom Drake on June 17, 2016

There’s a good chance that, at some point, you will be involved in a car accident. If this is the case, you will need to file a car insurance claim. After all, the whole reason to purchase insurance is to help you manage your finances in the event that an accident or unexpected event affects your assets.

3 tips for travelling when the loonie is weak By: Vanessa Page on June 16, 2016

Poor Canada. The weather is lousy half of the year and it takes forever to travel anywhere other than the United States. Travellers who have saved up enough money to finally take that European vacation gave themselves pause this year as they calculated just how many loonies it now takes to buy a coffee on the Champs-Élysée.

Why you should consider life insurance even if you’re single By: Martin Dasko on June 15, 2016

Life insurance isn’t the sexiest topic in your 20s. The last thing that you want to think about when you’re single is the idea of buying life insurance. You don’t want to imagine being old. You feel on top of the world. You love life. You have no worries or concerns.

TFSA basics explained By: Joe Barbieri on June 13, 2016

You might have heard of the TFSA. But what is a TFSA? It is an acronym for the Tax Free Savings Account, where you can accumulate money tax free. Unlike the RRSP, there are no taxes refunded when money is deposited into a TFSA account, and there are no taxes paid when money is withdrawn.

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Why do mortgage rates vary bank to bank? By: Martin Dasko on June 9, 2016

You’ve saved up some decent money after working for many years. You asked around to make sure that you’re ready. You’ve decided that the time is right to buy a home. You’ve even found the perfect place. Now it’s time to find a mortgage. The only problem is that you’re struggling to find the ideal interest rate.

Term vs. permanent life insurance: what you need to know By: Robb Engen on June 8, 2016

Insurance is a must if you have a spouse or children who depend on your income to get by. Life insurance comes in two flavours: term and permanent. Both are designed to help provide your loved ones with financial security in case you die. Which works best for you depends on your finances and your goals.

Best low interest credit cards in Canada By: Martin Dasko on June 7, 2016

Are you in the market for a new credit card? Are you stuck with a balance for the time being? This article is for every Canadian looking to find the best low interest credit card on the market.
