When it comes to personal finance, everyone’s a critic. At one time or another we’ve all been bombarded with advice on how to save, spend, and invest our money. If you try to listen to all that advice, though, you might just go crazy. Step into any bookstore and you’ll be flooded with how-to guides that promise to fatten your wallet and make your bank account sing – that’s why it’s a good idea to listen to the experts and tune out all the background noise. 
To keep you from having to flip through the plethora of personal finance books out there, we’ve narrowed it down to a cool top seven to help on your money management journey this summer.  

Thinking about taking out a mortgage or applying for a credit card? If so, you should definitely make sure your credit score is as good as it can possibly be. Here are six tips to help you take your credit score from good to great.


If you’re reading this right now, you probably surf the web pretty often, maybe even every day. There’s also a good chance you visit YouTube at least once a week, perhaps to get some DIY tips on anything from makeup to origami to fixing that leaky toilet. 
YouTube is overflowing with handy do-it-yourself videos, but one type that’s been garnering a lot of attention recently isn’t so harmless – it turns out that credit card fraudsters have taken to YouTube to make some DIY videos of their own.

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The Ontario provincial election is over and Kathleen Wynne has swept in with an unexpected majority Liberal government. Tim Hudak has stepped down as Progressive Conservative leader, and a wounded Andrea Horwath will keep fighting for the New Democrats with a mere fraction of the power she held before voting against the budget in May.
Newly re-elected premier Wynne told reporters yesterday “I’m thrilled to be here and I’m really eager to get on with it.”
Now that the election is over and Kathleen Wynne is ready to go, one question on many Ontario drivers’ minds is “Will she follow through with those proposed auto insurance cuts?”

Four years have passed since the last World Cup, and the 2014 tournament is ready to kick off in Brazil on June 12.  The World Cup is beloved by millions – no, make that billions – of fans around the world, including the LowestRates.ca team!

What Is #MyKindaCup?

Would you bank with Google? How about Apple, or Amazon? If you’re part of the younger generation of Canadians, a new survey says there’s a good chance you would.
Last week, Accenture released a survey that’s confirmed what we already suspect – younger Canadians would make the leap to alternative banking options much more readily than older ones.
