Meet our Writers & Experts.

On this page, you’ll find our writers and editors. We’re very proud to have worked with so many talented people and we’d like to introduce you. Our writers populate our website with content that helps you make the best financial decisions. Our experts provide expert commentary and make sure all of the content you read is accurate, helpful and up to date. If you would like to join our team as a writer, click here. If you would like to join our team as an expert, click here.

Photograph of Danielle Kubes Danielle Kubes

Danielle reports on the world of millennial personal finance, detailing the financial adventures of her generation.

Photograph of Josh McConnell Josh McConnell

Josh is a leading Canadian technology and business reporter.

Photograph of Jonathan Ratner Jonathan Ratner

Jonathan is a freelance writer with nearly two decades of experience writing about finance. 

Photograph of Maureen Genore Maureen Genore

Maureen (more frequently referred to as Moe) is one of our freelance writers. She's an avid runner, wannabe chef, and coffee addict.

Photograph of Craig Amos Craig Amos

Craig has been flooding the internet with words for nearly a decade.

Photograph of Vicki Boyd Vicki Boyd

Vicki is a book lover whose "must-read" list has grown to well over 200 titles. 

Photograph of Shannon Lee Simmons Shannon Lee Simmons

Shannon Lee Simmons founded the New School of Finance to create a new financial planning model.

Photograph of Max Berger Max Berger

Max wears many hats when he writes, though he isn't much of a 'hat guy' in real life.

Photograph of Justin Leung Justin Leung

Justin is Director, Insurance Products at RATESDOTCA and the former Product Manager at