You just got your first job after college. You’re finally making money. You’re not rich and you’re certainly not buying a mansion anytime soon. On the bright side, you’re able to finally put some money aside. You’re finally in the positive.

4 Cheap DIY Halloween CostumesMy favourite time of year is Halloween. I love the candlelit pumpkins, the scary costumes, and the candy-seeking kids coming to my door. Finding a frugal way to do Halloween is pretty easy unless you love it and want to go all out.

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4 Reasons to Use Your Credit CardFinancial experts everywhere tell you that your credit card is the enemy. They say that you will overspend and end up a slave to your debt. This can absolutely be a problem for some people. But it doesn’t have to be. If you’re good with your money, there are a lot of benefits when you use your credit card for everything.

Everyone is familiar with the stereotypical woman who spends more time worrying about what shoes to buy than whether she’ll have enough to retire on later in life. She racks up Carrie Bradshaw-like credit card debt on good times with her girlfriends and those “steal of a deal” designer outfits.
